A Life at Work

With the economy as it is these days, it is somewhat more difficult getting inspired.  Though I am fortunate to have a job, it is what it is, a job.  Reading during my lunch break is what keeps my hopes and dreams alive.

Recently, I read Thomas Moore’s “A Life at Work” which intertwines ones lifework with values I often neglect such as your soul, spirit, ethics and pleasure.  Who knew that a job could hold so much importance?  This explains why I’ve had trouble in the past staying at a place that ran contrary to my personal values and ethics.

Moore says, “If you work at a job that contradicts your ethics, you are divided, your personal values moving in one direction and your work in another.  Since ethics has deep roots in your emotions and your vision, you will feel divided against yourself. Your work will be disturbing, and you will never get to the point where you feel you have found your life work.  Ethics play a deep and central role in this search…Practical labor without a spiritual base is unconscious, narcissistic, and one-dimensional.  Without the spiritual, work is a mere job.”