GMDL Day 14: The Detriment of Doing Too Much

It’s 14 days in of my Get More by Doing Less challenge and I’m all talked out. So instead of writing up another post, I thought why not show you instead?

This weekend I was googling up a storm trying to find the perfect video on the importance of slowing down. But after a few days I threw up my hands and gave up.

Can you guess what happened next?

Score a point for the person who predicted that the TED video miraculously showed up.

Today while I was on Twitter when I saw a tweet by @GuyKawasaki, founder of Alltop. He posted a TED Talk video on work-life balance.

This Video Will Change How You Live Your Life

It was only 10 minutes, but the video left an impression on me. As I am sure it will have on you. If you are contemplating whether it’s worth it to start dropping things off your to-do list, watch this.

You could be an entrepreneur, a busy full-time employee, a writer, or a mom. But if you’re working so hard you feel dizzy, forget what day it is, and begin to neglect yourself and your family, this is the wake up call you need.

I rarely feel this moved after watching an online video, especially one that is only 10 minutes, but I felt it important enough to share with you. I hope you will take the time to watch it.

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  1. One GMDL Challenger Reports On Her Experience | The Inspiring Bee

    February 21, 2011 at 5:01 pm

    […] linked to a video about work-life balance and this message really resonated with me: you must take […]

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