Here’s My Secret…

{photo by: thefost}

I’ve been debating whether to divulge my secret. But holding in secrets is not good for your health and I hope that sharing what I’m going through may help others as well. Especially, since this is Thyroid Awareness Month.

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with thyroid disease.

Surprisingly, that little butterfly shaped gland in your neck has a lot of power.

It affects your brain, your hormones, your heart rate, your metabolism, your muscles, your body temperature, your energy level, your hair, etc.. Almost anything you can imagine actually.

Not only does it make you tired.

It makes you weak.

It plays with your hormones.

A lot of people have it. It’s usually in women and if you are 35 and older should ask to be tested.

But this is not a blog post entirely about thyroid disease. What it is is a reminder about how to stick to your goals.

If you’re on this challenge with me, you may be tired, burnt out or just trying to find more meaning in your life. If so, then this challenge will definitely help you get there.

Being sick, having your physical health compromised whether temporarily or permanently, or losing someone you love (furry friend or human friend) makes you rethink your goals. The gift is that it puts life in perspective.

It’s hard to imagine what we can do to our bodies when we’re healthy. We feel invincible that we can work it as hard as our mind can go.

I can tell you where I was in 2009 is a lot different than where I stand today.

I used to believe that my body was too slow for my mind and I willed to go faster, faster so that I could get more things done in a day. I can’t say for sure if stress caused my illness. But it probably did not help it.

If I could go back in time, I might have told myself what I am telling you now. Don’t take your health for granted. You can always get another job, home or become famous and successful. But some things in life cannot be reversed.

While it’s important to have dreams (I am after all a BIG believer in dreams!), it’s always good to put them in light of our whole self.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is working past midnight every night worth the sacrifice it will take to our physical bodies?
  • Will I one day regret all of the time I am spending making money instead of enjoying my life?
  • IS ___________ more important than me, my health or my family?

The next time you’re stuck with a tough decision or contemplating how far you should take your career, reflect on them. Decide if it’s worth it and if you are willing to sacrifice the potential consequences if it is not.

If you are on the Get More by Doing Less Challenge, would love your support. Please tweet, comment below and share your story about the challenge with us.

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