Coaching has been a lifesaver. It’s what gave me that final push to quit my soul-sucking 9-5 job to become a freelance writer almost 15 years ago. It’s also what motivated me to create workshops for stressed-out moms. And as a coach, it’s helped my clients achieve their dreams of losing weight, ending toxic relationships, traveling and finishing a book (nonfiction and fiction).
I truly believe in the power of coaching because you can not and are not meant to do big things on your own.
That being said, not everyone is ready financially or emotionally to commit to coaching. In the meantime, however, if you feel stuck and unmotivated, nearly a third into 2022, don’t despair.
There are ways I have coached myself into getting a literary agent and writing books for children.
Even if you’re a busy mom with no time to spare, you’ll have time to do this.
As a mom who is at home with her two little kids, I understand that right now in a pandemic we’re all in over our heads. But I also believe wholeheartedly that of all people YOU need to take time to find something just for you.
So I’ve compiled a list of books to help coach you when you’re financially strapped or just don’t have an hour a week or month to devote to being coached.

These books were friends and lifelines when I was terrified to quit my so-called secure and steady job to jump into the life I dreamed of as a writer. It’s through Neal Gabler’s words about Walt Disney’s struggles and triumphs and the hope and creativity in books like Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander’s The Art of Possibility and Create a Life Worth Living by Carol Lloyd, Callings by Gregg Levoy, Martha Beck’s Steering by Starlight, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield and 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin had the courage to take the leap.
Later on, Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic and Into the Magic Shop by James Doty, MD would further help to inspire my fiction writing.
{I know bloggers often add affiliate links to these. But I really want to encourage you to buy books from your local bookstore or or even your library.}
Are there any books that inspired you? Please share. We’re all interested in hearing what you’re reading. Plus I’m an avid book lover and would love to add more books to my list.