Trying to Inspire Others? Look Within

I’ve always been obsessed with inspiring people. Hence, this blog and the ones before it. It’s why I seek out inspirational people for interviews, why I can’t stop reading inspiring books and the reason for my Twitter name @2inspired and Facebook page. You can say it’s my passion. I live to be inspired by others.

But in my quest to be inspired, I’d never expect to be an inspiration to others.

Well, sure I want to inspire others to change. But like this famous couple said, they live an “inspired life” versus an “inspiring one.”

It’s a subtle, but meaningful difference. It’s not just about being humble and sincere. But the belief that we’re just ordinary people, with extraordinary lives or something along those lines.

I feel the same exact way. There’s nothing really inspiring about me. Or is there?

It’s a question I’ve been contemplating lately after I got an email from someone who wanted to interview me. After passing it off as spam (because why would anyone want to talk with me about being inspiring?) a second email finally hit me. It’s real!

It reminded me of a friend who once told me I didn’t realize how inspiring I was and that there were people who wished they had my life. It got me thinking:


You’re afraid of taking a leap and falling heart first into your dreams. And what’s keeping you from doing so is that you don’t truly believe you have anything unique to offer the world. So you give your business half-ass attention instead of a kick-ass one.


You get stuck on a certain project your working on. You can’t finish your about us page or you give up on applying for a job you really really want. You have a business, but you can’t seem to inspire others to take the steps toward a call to action.


Imagine you are the person who inspires you most. If you’re a writer, write a bio for your client (yourself). If you’re an artist, create something hero worthy. As a teenager when test anxiety hit, I’d pretend I was someone really smart and confident and then I’d ace the test. See yourself the way you see the people you admire most and you may discover your own inspiration within yourself.

For me to do the interview (which I am doing and will give you the details soon!), I needed to step outside my own situation and remember who I was and where I came from. When we get too caught up in where we have yet to travel, instead of where we have already been, we lose sight of the valuable lessons along the way.

I’m constantly surprised when the writer’s group that I started generously commends me for the writing that I have had published. I could easily and have pushed those compliments aside. After all, I have so much more I need to do and am far from my writing goals. But then I remember how far I have come in a year and in my lifetime and then I can embrace where I have been and have compassion for all those who are attempting to travel on that same road.

Like you. Are you there too?  Look within for the answers.

Hi there! Glad you stopped by!

You’ve found one of my blogs on everything inspiring.  I also have one on writing and freelancing tips for new writers and entrepreneurs here. If you are in search of a writer to get all of your words in order, I’d love to work with you!

I am a published writer, blogger, and copywriter that can help you with all of your writing needs. You can find out more about me here.

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