I interviewed successful writers once for my column at The Writer magazine. The topic? Should writers wait on their muse to write?
Since then, I’ve heard a number of novelists and writer/speakers say that you should definitely write even when you’re uninspired. If you wait, they say, you’ll never write.
There are two schools of thought on this very important topic. But I’ve been thinking on this for years and I think there’s a third option that’s never discussed.
Instead of waiting for your muse to show up and writing when you’re deflated of inspiration, you can try this.
Don’t be passive about it. Go out and seek inspiration.
I have to tell you writing or creating anything when you’re uninspired is madness. It makes me write like I’m getting my teeth drilled. It’s flat, unexciting and torturous to pull out. No one wants to read prose like that.
But there’s no reason you need to wait around.
There are so many ways you can seek inspiration. The holidays are full of it. Here are a few things you can do to boost your inspiration meter:
- Window shop. It’s one of my favorite things to do especially during the holidays because it’s the one time of year when the displays are uber creative and dripping with inspiration.
- See a movie. Watch a movie, musical, comedy show, concert, or anything where people are at their best. Inspiration is experienced in the presence of excellence.
- Read a biography. Reading someone’s entire life with its bankruptcies, affairs, and addictions can remind you that we all suffer. It’ll get you over the hump of being stuck when you realize [bctt tweet=”…we’re all one day away from hardship and another moment from gratitude.”]
- Flip through a magazine. Make sure it’s a really colorful one. Bonus points for crafty home decor pubs. There’s something about reading things like, “spray paint,” and “sparkle,” that cure my creative blocks. Plus, I always get new words to add to my list.
Now go out there and report back where inspiration was found.