The Inspiring Bee

Finding purpose in climate action.

  • Should You Quit Your Job?

    Hey there friend. I wanted to tell you about someone I connected with recently. Have you ever met someone who you felt was an angel, guiding you back into the right direction? She told me that my life was inspiring. She was inspired that it took me a decade to sell my picture book and…

  • What It’s Like Writing for Children: A Q&A With Picture Book Author Jocelyn Watkinson

    In what feels like eons ago, but really just about 3 years, picture book author Jocelyn Watkinson and I were in PBChat, a mentorship program. It’s amazing to think that during that time she was just like me, someone who dreamed about becoming an author. And now she is one and has two traditionally published…

  • The Big and Small Ways You Can Use the Greatest Challenges to Your Advantage

    If we’re lucky enough to age, we will at some point face challenges so great it will draw us to our knees. If we’re lucky. The unlucky ones don’t make it that far. When we are younger, we are so mired in privilege that we are angry at life when we’re thrown death, disease, rejection…

  • The Answer to More Happiness and Less Anxiety

    There was a special event on the Ten Percent Happier app entitled, “The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness.” I found the four minute videos on co-founder Dan Harris’s journey to learn from Dalai Lama so engaging it stopped me from my normal multitasking. I was enthralled by it. On the second to the last day,…

  • Welcome 2023!

    It’s that time of year when the gyms are full and every store knocks down their price on weights, blenders and diet books. I never realized how dangerous New Year’s Resolutions could be until I stopped making one. The end of one year often brings attention to things we’ve been stuffing under drawers and burying…

  • Meaningful Books for Your Holiday Gift List

    ‘Tis the season of holiday decor, long lines and road rage. Sort of joking. Every year, I vow to ease into the holiday season by breaking tradition – Secret Santa gift exchanges, giving my kids experiences instead of gifts and forgiving myself for Christmas cards gone bad. {A few years ago during a particularly chaotic…

  • Is it Wrong to Follow Your Passion? The Controversy About Following Your Passion

    I’ve been hearing it from a few famous people like Ted Talker Terri Trespicio and one of my favorite authors Elizabeth Gilbert. Because I write about following your passion on the regular, I spent time considering their argument. And here’s where I think a lot of people getting passion and purpose wrong. MYTH: Passion has…