The Inspiring Bee

Finding purpose in climate action.

  • Talking with Sierra Club Hawaii Director Wayne Tanaka

    As part of my transitioning The Inspiring Bee to a place of climate hope, I had the great honor of speaking with Wayne Tanaka about Hawaii and what our islands need in 2025 and beyond. Let’s take a look at what the Sierra Club does and how we can all get involved to make a…

  • Where We’re Headed Now

    This election has me rattled. As an INFJ, highly sensitive person who cares deeply about the environment, I’m terrified with what the upcoming administration will do to our planet. So much so that I’m changing the topic of this blog, which started a decade or so ago with posts to inspire readers to be creative,…

  • I’m Interrupting My Regular Blog Post to Share This

    I’m writing this at a weird time. Following the Maui wildfires, everything happening in Gaza, and now a wildfire in my neck of the woods in Mililani. It’s a topsy turvy world we live in. And it’s been hard to write here because my inspiration well has gone dry. A INFJ and HSP at heart,…

  • What a Summer! A.K.A. What One Failure After Another Taught Me

    Summer 2023 was not the summer I dreamed about during COVID days. I did not traverse the globe nor did I write. All in all, even though it’s not quite over yet, from the outside it would seem that I had a pretty abysmal season. Speaking of which, I’m finally writing at home because I’ve…

  • From Medium to Book Deal: A Casual Blogger’s Reincarnation Into a Published Poet

    by: Anne Marie Wells A Place to Expel Despair In today’s guest post, author Anne Marie shares how she turned tragedy into a beautiful tribute to her father. If you ever thought of turning your own true story into a legacy, you will find this post inspiring. You can learn more about Anne Marie on here and purchase a copy of Survived by here. After my father was diagnosed with terminal…

  • Should You Quit Your Job?

    Hey there friend. I wanted to tell you about someone I connected with recently. Have you ever met someone who you felt was an angel, guiding you back into the right direction? She told me that my life was inspiring. She was inspired that it took me a decade to sell my picture book and…

  • What It’s Like Writing for Children: A Q&A With Picture Book Author Jocelyn Watkinson

    In what feels like eons ago, but really just about 3 years, picture book author Jocelyn Watkinson and I were in PBChat, a mentorship program. It’s amazing to think that during that time she was just like me, someone who dreamed about becoming an author. And now she is one and has two traditionally published…