The Inspiring Bee

Finding purpose in climate action.

Daily Routines to Jumpstart Your Dreams

Photo credit: danielfoster437 on Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-SA

I’ve been researching inspiring ways to begin fulfilling my dreams. Here’s a quick post on easy ways you can change your mindset along with me.

Miracle Morning Routine: Hal Elrod created several bestselling books based on this simple daily ritual which includes the following. Silence – Spend the morning in quiet. Affirmations – Create affirmations that are realistic for you. He suggests starting with, “I commit to…” Visualization – Visualize what you see for your life. Exercise – He recommends physical exercise, even short bouts of activity first thing in the morning. Read – something inspirational. Scribe – Journal and write your thoughts every morning.

Speaking of which, Third Door author Alex Banayan recommends in Ashley Stahl’s You Turn podcast that you answer these three questions daily:

  1. What happened today and what did I think about it?
  2. What excited me?
  3. What drained me?

I’m working on both rituals myself and will let you know how it goes. Meanwhile if you’ve tried any of these or if you guys have any rituals, please share it so I can add to my list.