I’ve been busy here.
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know why I haven’t been blogging lately.

But I wanted to stop by to tell you something I’ve learned about this new thing that I’ve been doing and why.
Sometimes we do things because we’re called to do them.
Sometimes we choose not to out of fear and it looks like lack of experience, no time, a void of resources.
This time I made a different choice.
I chose to follow the fun. I decided to do something that I wasn’t extraordinary at and in a light where my imperfections would shine.
Because I think too often we wait to do the things we really want to do until we’re perfect at it.
Until we’re polished and we won’t be ashamed of putting ourselves out there.
But that time doesn’t exist.
This is why many of us never achieve our dreams.
Everyone must start as a beginner. At some point, everyone will be judged. The question is whether we wait and miss out on the fun of doing the things that excite us out of fear of being not good enough.
An author I interviewed recently asked me why I was doing this new thing.
I told her because I love it. I’m not natural at speaking. I’m an introvert who minces words and mumbles and says, “uh” too much. I ask questions that are unclear at times. I say the wrong word. I’m terrible at it.
But that’s all on the surface.
Deep inside my soul, I’m doing the thing that makes me feel alive and connected, and everything about what I’m doing feels right. You might even say, “Perfect.”
I hope that listening to me as a beginner, as someone who is exploring something new publicly will give you the courage to do the thing that scares you.
Now it’s your turn.
What small step will you make this week to doing something that scares you?
And will you use this as an opportunity to grow compassion and self-acceptance?