Even though you’re worn down,
and can’t get your kid to sleep or listen.
Even though you lost your job,
and everyone’s depending on your paycheck.
Even though you think you’re too old to make a difference,
or messed up BIG,
or your decision ended up hurting someone to the point that their life has changed,
Even though your loved one is sick or addicted or suffering,
and you cannot help them.
Even though you lost it with your kids,
disappointed your co-workers,
and never fulfilled that pearl of a dream.
Even then.
Even then, there’s grace.
Even then, there is a crack in the cold concrete and a ray in that silvery raincloud.
Even when you can’t see it.
Even when you think you know the end and it won’t be a good one,
there is hope.
There is hope in this moment and there is one in the next.
All you have to do is to keep riding the hard wave, holding still and keeping the faith.
The tide will eventually recede, revealing the reason and the gift.
It’s the hard highs that push our souls through invisible sieves.
Without it, we would be soft and boneless.
Old and unwise.
Grace keeps the oil in our dried joints.
It keeps the wind flowing through creaking doors.
It is the medicine that allows the heart to continue open again and again.