I realized when I created my tagline that not everyone would get what I mean. Let me start off by saying, “No. I don’t have anything against women named Jane.” In fact, I know two uber successful ones.
I wrote this because I wanted to speak to the women who feel an urge to shed their armor of sameness, and a call to uncover their true selves. The name Jane came from the idea of the “plain Jane,” someone who is ordinary or like everyone else.
I believe there’s a deficit in the world that’s responsible for its economic, environmental and political destruction. We’re slowly thawing our way through it. But staying unconscious, keeping silent and remaining small are all the ways we’re contributing to pain and suffering in the world.
Even if your purpose is to create a painting or write a story, you have a responsibility to do it. Your purpose is make beauty where beauty is needed.
I’m a fighter for those who want to make change in their lives. They may have lost their way, but they know in their heart that they’re here for a reason.
I’ve gotten this call many times, and I’m surging forth devoting my time and energy to make sure women like you are getting their voices heard.
This is the purpose of my blog, to shed light in the darkness, and hold the hands of the women who want to make a difference in their own lives. This is about waking up, being conscious and creating your own life. This is not about replicating what’s been done before. It’s not about staying comfortable, being like everyone else and finding the easy way out. It’s about being a warrior. What that looks like to you could be completely different from what this looks like to someone else. The key is to act courageously to visualize, enact and create the life that you’re meant to live. I can help you with that.
If you’ve ever felt like you didn’t belong because you wanted more from your life than status quo, you found your community and I’d love to work with you.