The Inspiring Bee

Finding purpose in climate action.

The Story of What If

Photo credit: Ed Yourdon on Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-SA

I barely remember anything about my early school years. But there was one thing my elementary teacher said that stands out more than 30 years later.

“Never use, ‘What if,’” she said. “It will never get you anywhere.”

Okay I don’t remember her exact words, but I remember the feeling of fear I had afterwards.

For years, I deemed it criminal like the, ‘F’ word or other naughty language I was forbidden to use. It was only recently that I’ve questioned the question.

What if actually gathered hope in my life. What if allowed me to create. What if gave me freedom to write.

What if I never used, ‘What if?’” I’d have a boring life.

Now every morning before I get out of bed I fill my head with the following questions:

  • What if today I get an email from a publisher or an agent requesting my manuscript or better yet, wanting to publish or represent my book?
  • What if today I am completely healed of chronic illnesses?
  • What if today I have the answers to yesterday’s unknowns?

I think the teacher got it wrong. I think it’s not the question that can lead to your downfall, it’s how you ask it.

In the frame of worry and negativity, what if can spiral you into a quicksand of depression. Questions like: “What if I never got sick or what if I never get published?” are probably what my teacher meant when she said never use those words.

It’s the energy and intention we bring to any situation and that includes, “What if?” But if we use it in a positive way it can transform our perspective and bring magic to the mundane.