The Inspiring Bee

Finding purpose in climate action.

5 Insights from Deepak Chopra

Oprah's The Life You Want Tour

It’s almost Thanksgiving. Although I fret, gripe and grumble about the insignificant things in my life, the humid weather, too much work, not enough freedom, I’m always conscious of how lucky I am to be able to grumble about such things. In fact, if I were to spend even a minute consumed in how much I actually have to be grateful for, I would turn into a big soppy mess.

One of things I’m currently still grateful for is Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend tour to San Jose. I’m still reeling from the high from being the presence of her and her spiritual teachers including Deepak Chopra. Speaking of which, he shared 5 life changing lessons that I’m excited to share with you here.

1) Look at the world as the reflection of your inner state.

Things that set off a fire in you, good or bad, are personal. When something someone says sparks anger or passion, take time and ask yourself, “Why?” When you figure out that whatever is going on outside is a reflection of your own inner world, he says, your world will shift.

2) Understand the essence of relationships.

There are people we like and people we don’t like. Chopra says that the things that bug us about the people we dislike always has to do with something we need to recognize within our self.

3) Make sure your intention is not just for yourself, but for the common good. Not just you, but us. 

How can your dreams serve others? How can what you most want for yourself, also help the world? This, Chopra and Oprah, says is the key to true happiness, success and fulfillment.

4) Increase your energy through love and compassion.

The fastest way to change your mood, health and your life is by raising your energy through joy and compassion.

5) Free yourself from emotional toxicity.

When you feel separate, and isolated, that’s a sign you’re disconnected from source (e.g. God, universe, nature, spirituality, etc.). In a profound statement, he reveals what most negative emotions really mean:

Fear – is anticipation of the future

Anger – remnants from the past

Hostility – desire to get even and the most dangerous emotion

Guilt/shame – directing fear onto one’s self

Depression – depletion resulting form all of the above

Presence and connection, he says are key to healing all types of negative energy.


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