5 Simple Steps to Creating Your Dreams

guest post by: Karin Volo

We often have a way of making things more complicated than they need be. It is often the simplest things in life that bring us the most joy. That’s why when I was recently asked,” How do you create your dreams?” I came up with five easy steps to follow. Now don’t get me wrong, some of these steps do require a bit of effort. But the ideas are simple.


  1. Clear out the baggage –We all have limiting beliefs, buried emotions, and default programming that we absorbed growing up. These hold you back from reaching your true potential. Clear out those limiting beliefs, resentments, lingering anger, deep hurts and you’ll be able to move forward much quicker.

  2. Visualize – Be very clear and specific about what you want to have in your life. Research has shown that our brain can’t tell imagination from reality—and this is a good thing! Our imagination can help make things possible.

  3. Believe in your dreams – Faith is belief in the unseen and is a necessary ingredient to creating your dreams. The Law of Attraction works when the heart-felt belief is there. Doubt and unconscious programming will sabotage your dreams very quickly.

  4. Protect your dreams – Only talk about your dreams with those who will be supportive. Dreams are the babies of the soul and need to be protected and nurtured until they can stand on their own. Sharing your dreams with others who may not have the same level of belief in them can bring down your enthusiasm and allow the doubts to seep into your mind. Keep those dreams in a safe place until they begin to manifest into your life. Yet sharing the dreams with people who will support and help you can also strengthen your feelings and get you even more excited about them.  So be careful about who you choose to share your dreams with.

  5. Connect to Source –We are very limited in our abilities in our human bodies…but when we tap into the Source power, incredible things can begin to happen. There are countless stories of miracles with spontaneous healing, incredible feats of strength in a crisis, and determination to succeed against all odds. We love these stories because they inspire us. By connecting to Source on a regular basis, you can open yourself up to the guidance that will bring your dreams into reality. Whether it is through prayer, meditation, talking a walk in nature, the Universe is supportive to those who are open and listening.

Follow these simple steps on a daily basis and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to making your dreams come true.

Karin Volo is an expert in career and personal development and is known as a Tough Transition Specialist. Karin’s passion is helping people better their lives and her purpose is to inspire and teach others to thrive through tough times to discover and create their dream lives.

To receive her bi-monthly newsletter, Inspiring Lives, full of inspiring stories and resources and to sign up for a FREE video series, 7 Tips for Improving Your Life Now, subscribe today at www.InspiringYourVeryBest.com .

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