
You didn’t come here by accident. You were called here. You wasted too many days living by someone else’s rules, living someone else’s life. Isn’t it time you were happy? Isn’t it time you lived a meaningful life?

I know you.

I know you’re tired of waking up in the morning going straight to your inbox hoping for some exciting news, some force of change that will leap you out of this ordinary life into the one you dreamed of.

I know you suffer from chronic illness or chronic way of thinking that keeps you stuck.

I know your family or friends don’t want you to change so they keep you where you are comfortable, but living an unfulfilled life.

I know you’re tired of being in the same place every year while watching everyone around you and on social media grow, succeed and be happy.

You deserve that too.

I know you because I’ve talked to people like you. I’ve helped you. Heck I’ve been you.

I was trained as a marriage and family therapist. I have experience working with people who struggle with mental illness. Personally, I’ve been challenged by chronic illness. For years, I felt like I was watching the world around me as an outsider because I was too sick to get out of bed. I used my life to help motivate myself and inspire others in the articles I’ve written for Spirituality & Health, Whole Life Times and Psych Central, where I’m currently an associate editor.

I use my degree in Health Psychology experience teaching workshops and leading groups on spirituality, stress management and writing

One of my clients lost ten pounds, ended a toxic relationship, and had the courage to move to another state and travel-something she’s been dreaming of doing. I can help you too.

You hold the key to everything you want in your life. My goal as a coach is to bring you back to who you are. Through exploring your authentic self and removing outside forces that hold you back, you’ll rediscover your purpose and begin living a whole, meaningful and professionally successful life.

Email me at to let me know you’re ready to start living the life you’ve always wanted for yourself.