5 Ways to Get Off Your Butt and Get Motivated

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There’s a WHOLE WORLD out there! Yet, do you feel like you want to crawl under the covers and hide?

You may be right on the edge of pure inspiration. But you’re sitting there, unsteady and ready to tip. Will you fall head first back into bed? Or will you jump in eyes wide open as an eager beaver filled up to the brim with excitement, inspiration and immense passion?

I have to admit that even I fall into the former category on some days.

On those days, I need an extra push to get me tipping in the right direction.

What do I do?

I pick myself up. And turn myself around.

Well actually…it’s these five tips help me get started in the right direction:


I started creating a google doc and shared it with my husband. But you can do it with a friend or a good pal who can keep you accountable for your goals. In it, I created four columns: 1. To Do 2. High Priority (Do today.)  3. Medium Priority (Do by the end of the week.) 4. Low Priority (Complete by the end of the month.) Whenever I complete a goal, I erase the X under the column and highlight the activity grey. Have fun with creating a doc that works for you. The main thing is to be accountable for your actions, have a goal and gradually work towards it.


Yes. I know how ridiculous that sounds. It sounds counterintuitive right? But if you are a couch potato with a purpose (watching inspirational shows/movies or reading inspirational stories, e.g.), not just flipping mindlessly through the channels, you may feel inspired enough to leave that comfy couch, get off your butt and do something!


Admire someone in the blogosphere? Dream of being like a particular writer maven or eco-friendly superstar? Drool over their latest accomplishments. Most likely it’ll propel you into working hard in your own career. Why? Because the best cure for jealousy is to accomplish something great yourself.


Sometimes I’m unmotivated because my body is telling me it’s tired and my mind is saying, “Hey! Even computers get a rest!” Maybe it means I skip writing for awhile or I stare off blissfully in space or read to my heart’s content. If you’ve been super motivated lately, you’re excused. You have my permission to log-off, shut down, unplug and take a break.


Do something that you love! Like purely, insanely, ridiculously, passionately LOVE! I shake my bon bon when I’m in zumba or ride my bike like I’m 13 again. When I let out that inner wild child self and let go of my need to ______ (please, be perfect, accomplish, etc.), I feel free and ready to meet my next challenge. So whatever it is that makes your heart sing, make sure to add it to your to do list and do it on a regular basis. It is oh-so important!

So what do you say? Are you ready to get off your butt now?

What do you do to get yourself motivated?

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