Returning to the Freshness of Childhood

 Waikoloa Picture

Do you remember when you were a child? Everything was new and exciting. A trip to the pool was a deep sea adventure. Going to the mall was a journey into the unknown. Every moment held within it a jewel of wonder, a moment of unlimited possibility.

And then you GrEw Up!

On a recent vacation to the Big Island, my husband said something to me that made me think about the loss of childhood. We were at this fabulous pool with slides and waterfalls and I told him the following:

“I don’t know if I’m going to go in. The water’s cold and once I get in there what will I do?”

He said, “Funny when we’re kids we don’t have that problem.”

It’s true. If I forget, I only need to spy on the kids next to me and see how their imagination never fails to make use of every moment. Me? Bleh. I need to have a plan or else I’m wasting time.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Even though we might have lost the magic of many “first-times” as we get older, we also have the ability to rethink the way we see our lives. It just takes a little imagination and perspective.

How to Refresh Your Life

1. Take a class in something extraordinary. Or at least something new. I signed up for a watercolor class several months ago and this month? Embroidery. That’s how you keep your childhood enthusiasm up. You jump into things you’ve never done before and you go in with open eyes. These days there are tons of Groupons, Living Social and Bloomspot deals so you really have no reason to try.

2. Go on a date with nature. It’s hard not to feel small when you’re looking up at the twinkling sky, swimming in the deep blue ocean or walking amongst tall vast trees. That’s how kids feel too. They are amazed at the wonder of the world and you will be too. Spend time with nature and nature will reinvigorate you.

3. Go from multi to single sense. These days I don’t enjoy going to the movies. The loud speakers and intense action are overwhelming. Over time, they work to de-sensitize. But returning to childhood also requires a return to simplicity. Pick a sense and fully immerse yourself in it. Take a wine tasting class and remember what wine really tastes like. Bring your camera out hiking and zoom in on the visual work of art in front of you. Focusing on one sense at a time instead of multitasking can return you to a state of peace and mindfulness. Suddenly, what felt like a tedious, monotonous task feels new, exciting and extraordinary.

Is it sailing, biking, reading that does it for you? What do you do to bring excitement and adventure into your life?

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