Author: Brandi
The Happiest Giveaway Ever on The Inspiring Bee
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There’s nothing like a good book to lift me out of whatever deep dark well I’ve fallen in. As a child, books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and A Wrinkle in Time took me out of the doldrums of long public school days and lonely only…
Where Inspiration Comes From
Yes, sometimes inspiration comes in beautiful things-in waterfalls, quiet carpets of green sprawling grass, in the smile of a child. But most often the most profound moments come to us in grief, when we’ve fallen down, broken in, cracked on the the inside and have nothing left to give. It’s during these times that we…
Creative Friday: Painted Calendars
I missed you guys last Friday. But I’m back with a new project. I’m still working my way through my 2012 calendars. It’s a slow and imperfect process. Yet, that’s what creativity is, isn’t it? It’s all about the journey, not the destination. So here are my February and March months: The inspiration for these…
Making Meaning in 2012
When I reflect back on 2011, I see a bunch of foggy days wrapped up tight, stuffed and oozing out like a burrito from a food truck. It may taste delicious all and all, but the sight…well it ain’t for sore eyes. In 2012, I want more. I want to rediscover meaning and purpose and…
New Year’s Day Every Day
Once in awhile someone will cross your path by chance and you know it’s for a purpose. I felt that way about this lady, and I feel the same way about my guest blogger Cindy Scheopner. Her story below brings me hope about the possibility of changing our lives. Not just on New Year’s Day,…
Revolutionary Resolutions 2012
I’ve been making resolutions since I was a teenager. Looking back I wrote things like: 1. lose 10 pounds 2. stop drinking soda 3. write a book 4. travel to Europe I managed to somehow tackle items number 2 and 4. And surprisingly eliminating soda was a lot harder than finding my way to Europe….
The Top Posts for 2011
We’re sliding into 2012. But before we go, I thought I’d countdown the end of the year with a countdown of my top 10 inspiring posts. Great for the new The Inspiring Bee reader and for those who’ve stuck around when my blog was just a free little thing called 2inspired. Since then I’ve made…