You Are the Chosen One
You know what keeps me up at night? The state of the world. I think about how age has opened me up raw to the ways we sabotage ourselves to the greatest detriment of our well-being. Not just at an individual level, but at a global one. Imagine how many ways we humans destroy everything…
4 Horrifying Outcomes of Not Pursuing Your Purpose
Many of us were brought up to believe that money was either a) the root of all evil b) it was a necessary evil. As a result, our true purpose was buried underneath grown-up words like, “obligation” and “responsibility.” We had to undertake the role of being an adult which has no room for joy…
Why Pursuing Your Passion is so Hard and What to Do About it
Did I ever tell you this story? When I was in high school, I had a horrible English teacher. He would sit on a chair in front of us and read our work aloud. Then he would begin attacking it. Questioning its worthiness, commenting on how terrible it was, and always letting us know whose…
Why Sensitive Creatives Take Longer to Reach Success
There are many creative people who you have not heard of. You haven’t read their book. You haven’t seen their paintings. The reason why these talented people are unknown is many haven’t written the book, they haven’t painted anything. They are dreaming of it, but they are frozen to take action. Many creatives are also…
The Key to Getting Through Hard and Challenging Times
If you are reading this, it’s likely you’re going through a bump in the road. If you are human, you have and will face future challenges, insurmountable problems, issues that make you want to crawl under the covers. If you are a human living in the 2020s, you probably have faced this multiple times. These…
When the Kids Go Back to School, What Should I Do?
This is the time of year when moms rejoice, homeschool moms get even busier, and all of us wonder, “What’s next?” It’s great to have a pause in the 24/7 craziness that became our lives. But stillness and quiet can wreak emotional havoc too. It’s amazing to think that before our children made us mothers,…
Mom-ing During the 2020s
I often see posts and classes for the ways we’re not parenting our kids right or the way we can parent better. I need these. I’m always trying to better myself as a mother. BUT… I wish I saw more feeds for what us mothers REALLY need. We need it like we need a glass…