Crafty Friday: Easy Organizing

The last thing I thought I would ever do is show you a picture of my underwear drawer. Not just because I’m one of those people who believe private things should be kept that way, but also because it was one of the messiest drawers in my house.

But revealing my hard work to my husband was not enough to quell my inner excitement. “Excited why,” you ask? Because this messy-Peter Walsh groupie just found an easy, free way to organized what previously felt non-organizable.

I don’t have any before pictures but imagine chaos, PJ’s flung together with socks, and tank tops dancing with underwear. Imagine taking 5-10 minutes a day to pick through your drawer in order to get dressed in the morning or to get ready to take a shower. There were frustrating moments I tell you. Time I’d rather spend meditating or doing yoga.

It was the September issue of Real Simple magazine that changed it for me. In their Wardrobe Wranglers section, one creative solution was generously divulged: shoe boxes. Basically, you cut your shoebox lengthwise or by width and use the cardboard cut-outs to fill in your delicates. I used Coach shoe boxes, which have a nice red lining and give it a richer look.

It took me awhile to do, but the fact that I find myself opening the drawer just to see how organized it is, makes it all well-worth it.

I’m so happy with it in fact, that I’m going to give you a sneak peek inside. Here it is with just the shoe boxes:

And now the magic of everything all together in perfect harmony:

It may not be art or even very crafty. But the fact that I can easily find things without having to toss everything out on the ground first, makes this feel like my favorite project thus far.

How about you? Have you found an efficient and pretty way to organize your office equipment, kitchen supplies or your messy drawer? Share your secrets here.

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