Ever Feel Creatively Called?

It kind of feels like a pull. A loud urgent desire to get something done. Sometimes it comes when I’m still and quiet and I hear the word, “Paint!” coming from deep within. Other times I’m biking while staring at the beautiful effortless architecture of a rose.

Usually, it happens when there’s not a tape recorder, camera or canvas in sight. So I pedal fast, memorize the phrase, capture the image, and pray that the lines of poetry, sparks of inspiration or visual of my next painting will stay long enough until I have the means to write it down or sketch it when I get home.

These days my infatuation has been roses. They are in full bloom now. And also there is something so enigmatic about them. In fact, their petals draw me in so much so that I have in the past been late for class because I could not resist sticking my nose in them, feeling the soft petals against my skin and inhaling their sweet scent.

I decided to buy myself some white roses at the farmer’s market this weekend and they have been a constant source of inspiration.

Here’s a close-up:

I also was inspired to paint using my new set of watercolors. This time I did it free-hand based on an image of a flower I noticed while biking.

Orange floral painting

Another shot:


What have you been creatively called to do lately?

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