Friday Gratitude

For a second, forget about your dishes. Forget about the bills that haven’t been paid. Forget about the plans that haven’t been made.

For one minute, imagine what your life would be like without all the people you love in it. Imagine the roof under your head suddenly taken. The computer you’re reading this on no longer yours.

For a moment, think about all the things in your life that you have to be grateful for. Think about the food that you just ate, the blanket that warmed you, the friends who laughed with you, the family members who have cried with you.

It’s so easy to forget all the wonderful things in our lives that we take for granted. We get caught up in what we don’t have, what we want, what is missing in our lives.

It’s not Thanksgiving, but I think gratitude is in order.

Just for today, be grateful. For who knows what comes tomorrow…

{flickr photo by: Lel4nd}

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