GMDL 7: Reflection

Another week has passed. We’re 7 days in…

How are you holding up?

Are you finding that doing less is harder than you expected?

Do you find yourself feeling guilty, worried, anxious when you skip things on your to-do list?

Or are you reading this and still haven’t stopped doing a thing?

As we end the week, I hope you will take the time to reflect on where you are at now. Are you resisting change? And if so, why are you resisting it? What parts of your schedule do you find hardest to give up?

This will be a short post, but I’m leaving you with two gifts to end the week.

{photo by: stevendepolo}

1. This is a story taken from Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life by Judith Orloff.

A chief is talking to his tribe about two dogs inside his mind: one a white dog that is good and courageous, the other a black dog that is vengeful and angry. Both dogs are fighting to the death. A young brave, unable to wait for the end of the story asks, “Which one will win?” The chief responds. “The one I feed.”

At the end of the challenge, whatever you give the most attention to will grow. If you feed the good side of you that wants to rest and enjoy life, that part of your life, the life you desire will increase. If you neglect it and feed your constantly busy schedule and your uber busy life, your busyness and discontent will grow. The question is what do you want most for your life?

2. I found this wonderful website called Accomplishing More by Doing Less.

Not only is this a great resource for the challenge, but it also offers a free e-book on the subject.  To get it, click on the icon to the upper left of the website that says Office Zen. It’s a pdf and you don’t need to give out your email address to get a free copy. Yay!

Well my friends, that’s it for the first week of the challenge. Thank you for your support on Twitter and Facebook! You inspire me to keep getting better and better. See you all next week!

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