Happy Holidays!

Photo credit: h.koppdelaney on Foter.com / CC BY-ND

This time of year, you’re probably being slammed by advertisers vying for your wallet using psychology to bait you. They’ll tell you that what you have is not enough-that this wrinkle cream or that sparkling top will make you younger, and prettier. Underneath it all, they are feeding into your fear of being unworthy and not good enough.

Because we all desire to be desirable, we temporarily forgo our rational minds. We forget that we already have a medicine cabinet full of expensive serums and creams or that our closet is bursting with tops we haven’t yet worn.

So I want you to remember this.

What you have is not only enough. It’s everything.

The only missing piece is that you’ve forgotten.

You don’t need anything outside of yourself. You don’t need to be skinnier, younger, happier or wealthier. You only need to reach into the you who was always there. Waiting. Waiting to be acknowledge. Waiting to be heard. Waiting to be revealed.

That’s what you should remember when you are hammered with consumerism.

Remember when you buy into their message-you’re aiding their wallet. You’re hurting our environment. You’re loaning out your power. Because who needs all that stuff? No one. All the big guys are counting on you to believe in it, to hand over your hard earned dollars so they can go on big trips and get wealthier.

I hope this season you give yourself the gift you really need. Time. Quiet. Compassion. And self-love.

Happy holidays dear friend. Only love to you.

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