How to Make Plans In a Year of Unknowns

If this year taught us anything, it’s that anything can happen. But if really outlandish, unbelievably evil can wreak havoc on the world, then the opposite must also be true.

At any point, while it feels like the world is about to implode, there inside nestled under our anxiety is pure hope. But we can not simply sit in our rooms and will change to happen. Sometimes we need a little silence and reflection before we step out into the world. These times however are not reasons for us to sit and watch the world happen around us.

You are being called to action.

Your voice is a necessary instrument in this rare chance to make a difference.

The trick is how to do so when the unknowns are everywhere.

How can you plan your dream vacation when you don’t know what traveling on an airplane will look like in 2021?

How can you begin your business when the economy is unstable?

How can you fulfill your dream of being a writer when you feel emotionally exhausted?

Every reason and excuse you have for not moving forward is understandable, legitimate and logical.

But every reason and excuse you have for not moving forward is also what’s keeping you small, unhappy, and unfulfilled.

If there was a way for you to reach your dreams, acknowledge them, and weave your way through the mess of fear, would you do it?

Would you take that small risk if you knew that some time in 2021 you will be living that dream that was given for you and you alone?

There is a way. But...
you cannot do it alone.

I know right now getting there seems impossible. You may have begun to accept the life you are living, forever.

Acceptance is a good thing and may be the first step towards change. But it’s not the end of your story. It’s the beginning.

When you shift the energy of intention, invisible bridges arise, ways are made where there are none.

I hear stories all the time, like Damien Echols who was in prison awaiting a death sentence for a crime he didn’t commit. It was during those dark days in solitary confinement where he did not see the light of day, but found hope, “magick” and freedom.

In A Religion of One’s Own, Thomas Moore says, “When I look back on my life, I realize that the truly significant, positive changes took place in the midst of considerable discomfort…” 

Viktor Frankl found purpose as his savior in Man’s Search for Meaning, an inspiring book about his life in Nazi concentration camps during WWII.

These days can feel like dark, uninspiring times, but there are people who survived unimaginable tragedy and transformed them into stories that change our world.

I know you’re reading this and can’t imagine your story and your dreams are that important. But I believe that without it, the world would continue the way it was prior to 2020, hanging in tandem waiting for people to wake up to the reality of this life, and their ability to change it.

Ready to start 2021 anew?

I’d love to help you. Email me at bauyemura AT Gmail DOT com to find out how.

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