How to Turn Negative Experiences Into Opportunity

Right now we’re all sitting in a vat of the unknown. Whether it’s tornadoes or the Coronavirus, we’re at a vulnerable time. The what-ifs are screaming louder than than the what could bes.

I haven’t written for a week because I’ve been working on #PitMad. But truthfully I’ve been worried too. As someone who has my own personal medley of chronic illnesses, I’m in the high risk category. And no one wants to be the person who went to the thing that got them exposed. The thing that made them suffer. The one who was quarantined. The one who ended up in the hospital.

I’m feeling that. I’ve been googling hope during this virus madness searching for something to hold onto-some way to guarantee protection. Instead I end up in a hole of anxiety that’s difficult to climb out of. The Internet will suck you so far in-it’s like drowning in quicksand.

I haven’t found any solutions, and my son’s school and our local bank are all telling me I need to get ready to spend a lot of time at home.

Spiritual teachers are saying not to worry while I should be prepared. Don’t worry. Wash your hands. Don’t panic. Your organs could shut down.

So I stopped. And you should too.

I was listening to Sound’s True’s Insight at the Edge podcast with Justin Michael Williams entitled,”Stay Woke.” It wasn’t a direct solution, but it was a soft gentle landing. Somewhere we can hold onto when we’re feeling uncertain and afraid.

Williams says to change our question from, “Why,” to “How.” Instead of why is this happening, we can ask ourselves, “How can I use this experience to grow closer to my spiritual self?”

How can I empower myself?

How can I take back control of an otherwise helpless situation?

How can I make this a testament of hope instead of hopelessness?

How can I prepare myself and my family?

How can I find joy and peace?

How can I take care of myself?

How can I become a beacon of light to others?

How can I use my gifts to make a difference?

How can this be the moment that I take back my life?

How is this darkness growing me more into who I am meant to become?

How can I make this a spiritual practice in faith?

How can I live with more presence, gratitude and joy?

You have the power to create your own how. Make it beautiful. Make it dynamic. Make it the question that answers all unanswered questions.

We have and always have had the freedom to choose how we perceive the external world. Click To Tweet

Just like a new virus can spread like fire upon deaden trees, love can grow through faith, openness and hope.

Sending love,


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