Ten Ways to Find Your Creative Passion

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I’ve been reading The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) by Jill Badonsky. It’s the kind of book that’s enjoyable on a Sunday afternoon when you have lots of time to pour into every word and whimsical activity.

Well, I came across one that I simply had to do-create a list of, “Different ways you can improve your approach to your creative passion.”


Here are my top 10 ways of finding creative ways to fuel your creative passion:

1. Develop a new hobby.

2. Talk to others who share your passion.

3. Create a new club or group to gather people with various interests and then take turns sharing what you’re interested in.

4. Volunteer, intern or work part-time for someone you admire, who is already living your dream.

5. Scope out LinkedIn and find out what others have done to get to where you want to be.

6. Schedule in an hour a week devoted to your passion.

7. Take a class in something you’ve always been interested in.

8. Write a letter to your creative passion and ask what you could be doing better to find it and approach it.

9. Interview people who are passionate about their craft and interview them for your blog.

10. Think outside the box. Do the absurd. Stop taking a linear path and open your mind to what’s possible, not just logical.

“Only she who attempts the absurd can achieve the impossible.” – Claire Goldberg Moses

What’s the creative way you’re pursuing your passion?

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