The Conscious Woman

Every day when I get onto social media, I’m inundated by everyone’s seemingly perfect lives.

I know it’s unfair to do that to yourself.

When we compare someone’s best days to our every day it’s an unequal comparison.

But it’s also an awesome lesson in waking up.

I firmly believe we all deserve to live a conscious life, a life unfettered by digital distractions, fed by emotional eating and stimulants. But we kind of all do that don’t we?

When I’m exhausted, stretched and pulled past my breaking point, I feel like I deserve a reward. I feel like the universe must be saving me some great gift to make me work this hard or endure that much. And when it doesn’t come, it’s easy to want to feed the pain with temporary shots of unhealthy distraction.

This only works for so long.

As someone with an autoimmune disease, I can tell you. Your body won’t cooperate with your bad behavior forever. When you keep stuffing down who you really are and what you’re really meant to do, something’s going to give.

Take all that stuff you see on Facebook and Instagram and use it to remind yourself that you too have a beautiful life. You’ve just forgotten about it. You’ve got lost in other people’s lives. You’ve put your own on the back burner. This is your wake up call. You’ve got to use what you’ve been given and make your own rewards, not with distractions but by living a conscious life.

I saw this diagram in a Chopra Center newsletter, and got inspired to pen this post. The title was:

Do you possess these 9 qualities of a conscious woman?
{Image from Chopra Center.}

This is how we wake up to our lives. With courage, self-love, strong desire and an intention to bring forth the gifts and experiences we’ve been given to create our world. Those nine qualities help you do this. But you can’t do it alone. If you need help on your journey to live to your fullest potential, consider coaching. It’s my goal to help women like you live a conscious life.

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