This One’s for You!

For someone who is fanatic about inspiration and all things inspiring, the holidays are for you.

There’s no other time of year when hope seems possible and miracles feel like they might be right around the corner. And magic. And inspiration.

Maybe there’s no more Santa Claus when we’re older, but there’s still gifts wrapped up to be uncovered. They show up in new opportunities, moments of love, and lessons learn in unexpected situations. And they may not be dressed up in beautiful colorful paper either, but the jewel inside is no less shiny.

If you’re reading this, I can bet that you’re also on a journey to discover them. And it being THANKSGIVING DAY, I’m grateful that you’re sharing the road with me.

I’m also grateful for you.

Thank you for reading this newish blog and for giving me inspiration to write here every week!

I hope you’ll join me next week with new tips on living an inspiring life and finding inspiring markets for your work.

See you then and have an awesome Thanksgiving!

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