When the World Says No

Photo credit: ~Ania Tatarynowicz~ on VisualHunt / CC BY-NC-ND

You have big dreams and the pain of not pursuing them is keeping you caged. Yet, every time you venture out you hear a rain of Nos silencing your inner desires.

It could be coming from friends, acquaintances and co-workers. It’s almost always coming from the main core-your family.

The real heartbreaker is when it comes from the outside world. Because when you finally step out there and show all your feathers and what you get is rejection not validation it can break every single fiber in that temperamental quilt of courage. It’s terrifying. You risked everything. You left the bad relationship, wrong city, and unhealthy job and now there’s nothing that’s going to catch you when you fall.

If you were in a fictional story, this is when the hero (you) is hitting bottom. But as you know most stories end with the hero triumphing into victor not victim. So the key is to keep going.

Bet you’re wondering for how long? Bet you’re uncertain you’re even heading the right direction.

While there aren’t any guarantees, there are bread crumbs of hope because the things you desire badly may eventually come. But it probably won’t come on your schedule. It comes when everything is aligned, you’re emotionally able to deal, you’ve got enough tools, and it’s the right time.

So here’s the deal.

You keep going. But you keep going in the direction that makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement. You take steps that feel right for right now. You make positive changes where you can. You have faith that in the emptiness of the unknown answers will come.

That’s the deal when you decided to wake up to your one life. If you want magic, you need to do the work to conjure it. If you want real authentic love for yourself and others, you get messy, you speak the truth, and you risk it all.

You’ve never seen a character get their heart’s desires easily now did you? You likely won’t get it either.

But don’t worry. Grace always leaves signs of encouragement. When you’re at your worst and ready to give up, the universe/God will send you a message of love. It always does.

Much love on your brave journey inspiring bee,



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