Two Inspiring Purchases Under 5 Bucks That Will Make You Sublimely Happy

I want to save money as much as the next guy, but when lined up against happiness, it’s sometimes worth it to spend a few bucks. Especially if you’re getting BIG emotional peaks for a few dollars.

Take this for example:

I’m not talking the items in the magazine. I’m talking about the magazine itself. I found a $5 subscription to Coastal Living for an entire year. Yes at first I thought it was a waste too. Better to just look at stuff online. Who needs an actual print subscription? But instead of getting a one and done latte, I purchased an investment in my self. How you ask? Thumbing through pages of beautiful photos and reading about people’s luxurious travels were like a breath of fresh air. {After reading that line, I suddenly get why Instagram is so popular!}

It was inspiring and helped me get unstuck with my writing. Furthermore, the act of reading something with real pages was soothing possibly even sleep inducing. Definitely worth it for five bucks.

And then there’s this:

My local florist sells a mix bag of flowers from daisies and carnations for under $5. I stopped doing it for awhile because of the money saving thing, but I’m bringing fresh flower days back at least intermittently. On those oh god why did I have kids days?!, I swear looking at these reminds me oh yes cause I love them and I love my life.

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