You Know You’re a Mother When…



This title is kind of ridiculous because once you’re pregnant, you can’t really be in denial any longer. With that being said, there are a few funny tell-tale signs that signal a giant shift from life without kids to life with kids that all moms will appreciate. So without further ado. Here’s how you know you’re a mom even when you’re not with your kids:

  1. You tune in not out to the sound of a wailing child.
  2. Your morning routine has dwindled down to taking a quick glance at your shirt. You want to make sure it’s relatively snot and milk free. Oh and make sure your button and bra is on if you are a nursing mother.
  3. Your idea of a wild time is going out late at night, which is any time after the kids are asleep.
  4. Having free time makes you overwhelmed with options. Should you do the laundry or flip mindlesly through a magazine?
  5. Going to the market kids free feels like a shopping spree.
  6. You don’t remember what you did with all your free time before kids. But you kind of wished you saved some for now.
  7. You don’t know if your memory loss is due to lack of sleep or age.
  8. Sleep feels like a fairytale just like unicorns and gold at the end of the rainbow.
  9. You’re suddenly extroverted and can make friends with anyone who has kids.
  10. You’re as excited about going to a wedding as you used to feel on date night.
  11. When you go out to eat, you automatically check the menu for entrees your kids will actually eat. And you do this even if they aren’t there.
  12. You feel the urge to blast the radio when you’re in the car alone. Anything that’s not nursery rhymes is literally music to your ears.
  13. You can’t pass a store without thinking about what to get your kids.
  14. You cut all your food into small pieces.
  15. You find yourself humming to kid songs like da-da-da-da-da-da two and four and six and eight…(Bonus points if you know what song that is.)
  16. If you’re a stay at home mom, your day is broken down to: how many hours until my partner gets home.
  17. You can’t remember what you did that day, but by the end you feel like you’ve been run over by a truck.
  18. Your nightstand is about to topple over under the weight of all your parenting books.
  19. Food floating in water, boogers, poop and pee doesn’t disgust you like it used to.
  20. You know more about characters on Sesame Street and Mickey’s Clubhouse than what’s going on in the news.
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