3 Instant Remedies for Burnout

I’ve been struggling with fatigue since the clock struck 2017. It’s been a lot of lying around frustrated with not being able to do anything.

I’ve always been on a mission to heal. I’ve tried and documented many of my treatments from craniosacral to rolfing. But since the beginning of this year, I haven’t been able to shake off my fatigue.

While you’re probably not as tired as me, you could probably benefit from simple ways to feel better instantly. We’re all too wired, plugged in and busy these days. But these three things have done wonders for me.

  1. Take an Epsom salt bath. I’m not a bather, but I keep hearing about the benefits of bathing with Epsom salts. This study specifically says that it can increase sulfate and magnesium safely in the body. As someone who tested this first hand, I can say it works. It really works! My muscles and stress melted in the warm bath. And I definitely fell asleep faster.
  2. Bathe in gratitude. I was listening to Tony Robbins on Tim Ferris’s podcast on flooding yourself in gratitude. On a particularly rough day, I zoom in on the trees, the sun on my face, and the fact that I’m here. Whether I’m sick or tired doesn’t matter, I’m here on this earth and that alone is enough to fill my heart with gratitude. You can listen here.
  3. Practice self-compassion. If you ever listened to your thoughts, they might sound like this: “Why did you do that? Will you ever get it right? No wonder he/she didn’t call you. No one’s ever going to let you do that…” Imagine hearing those thoughts day in and out for years on end. Your body is listening. The next time you hear yourself go there, practice radical self-compassion. Pretend you are talking to a child. Ask it, “Honey what do you need right now? What can I do to ease your worries and your sorrow? I love you honey. You are perfect just as you are. Everything will be okay.” Go ahead and hug yourself. Give yourself a pat. Close your eyes and feel what it’s like to completely love yourself.

Life is not easy. Aging is no joke. But we can keep returning to these three things to soothe us when everything gets hectic to remind us what’s important, and that we have inner strength to get through anything.

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