What You Get When You Give

Every year I dreaded my birthday. I always felt like I didn’t have enough or believed in the myth that “more was better.” It was only when I learned that giving provided the things I was really craving in life-love, peace and connection-that the need for more fell away.

While my birthday has passed, the giving continues.

Right now I raised $175 from my gracious friends and family. But I would love for you to feel how good it is to give too. When we contribute in ways we can, we get back so much. It’s a wonderful feeling. But in addition to the experience of giving, I would love to give you a gift if you donate anything even it’s just $1.

For the first person who donates to my team to help save the environment, I’m excited to be able to giveaway a brand new book on ways to reduce stress and practice mindfulness every day. One of the authors, Dr. Goldstein writes for Psych Central, a site I regularly blog at. He provides really useful and amazing tips to live a life with more peace in his book MBSR Every Day. I would love to send it to you today.

Please leave a comment if you do decide to join me. If you don’t believe in the Sierra Club’s mission, then please feel free to skip this post. Thank you guys! I appreciate it.

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