A Lesson from Simon Cowell

Finding Your Own Destiny on OWN

I was watching a preview from Oprah’s newest endeavor: OWN network. In it, a chosen few were part of a Masters course discussing their life story and using it to help inspire others. {photo from Oprah.com}

Oh how I am drooling to get my hands on the station. One that my husband smiled and said to me, “If you had it, you could watch it all day, couldn’t you?”

Yes. I could and I would.

But I digress, the quote that gave me chills up and down my spine and made me rewind and replay twice, was none other than Mr. Simon Cowell.

How does a wise-cracking former American Idol judge have to say that was SO inspiring?

“Every single negative can be changed into a positive.”

-Simon Cowell

It’s simple, yet true. {photo by IMDb}

The car that died? The illness you got? The disappointing promotion you did not get. None of them can get by without the opportunity to change your life unless you let it.

My kids parents sometimes say the darnedest things. My mom said, for example, that some people don’t change because they haven’t gone through anything BIG in their life.

I say that it doesn’t matter about the experiences. Yes, it’s true that getting married, having a child or going through a tragedy changes us. But sometimes, it is the way we react or don’t act on our life’s experiences that shape who we are.

If for a moment, we can believe that everything coming at us now can be transformed into something positive, through our own control, how much would that change who we are?

  • Maybe that is why they are there.
  • Maybe we’re in need of transformation.
  • Maybe it is the key that will unlock our fears/worries.
  • Maybe it is a hint to our true purpose.

{photo by Michael D. Dunn}

Isn’t that an exciting thought?

It makes every unknown an exciting prospect, even the scary ones.

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