This is an Invitation

There is the life you lead every day. The one filled with mouths that need feeding, bodies require tending, a house full of noise or one so quiet it unsettles you.

While the outside winters and the path is full of unknowns there is a truth you hold close too tender to visit.

You’re too busy with the to dos that make up modern life. You even need to schedule downtime.

While meditating you peer at the clock, in downward dog you think of what’s in the refrigerator.

There are so much things you could do with your time and somehow none of it is what you truly want to do.

In it lies the opportunity.

It is the magical hope of what could be. The possibility of a life yet un-lived. The one you read about, you dream about, the one that lay innocent and possible when you were a child and Santa Claus and the tooth fairy were a reality.

The truth is whimsy and magic awaits you.

It is an invitation this stressful life, this chronic illness, this lack of sleep, this sense of doubt, this daily sadness, this ambivalence.

This is an invitation to become what you always wanted to be.

It rests not in the lists that you have on your phone nor the events you have planned.

It does not depend on external events, the government, a vaccine.

It doesn’t await your kids growing up.

It can be taken at any time, any moment you allow yourself the permission to take it.

You were given this life. You were given these particular gifts, those characteristics that drove your parents crazy, and that love of creating that you’ve been stuffing down to please and appease others.

You have this invitation in front of you to change your life.

My clients have taken it and used it to write nonfiction books, become experts in their fields and garner the courage to leave the comforts of their home to do what they loved to do.

In one session or ten, they’ve found their way to embrace who they were and let go of other people’s expectations of them.

What will YOU do?

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