Happy 2013!

It’s my last post of the year. 2012 was a scary year with lots of unexpected surprises thrown in the mix. My husband and I finally made our move to Hawaii halfway through. I said goodbye to a lot of good friends. And I pushed myself full force into the writing world here. It hasn’t been easy. But something tells me 2013 will be worth all the effort.

Besides taking the leap, I’ve been fortunate enough to write for Hawai’i and Pacific Edge magazine while also sadly ending my stint as a columnist for The Writer. And I’ve kept my psychology blogging job with Psych Central. In the five, almost 6 years I’ve been doing this, I’ve been able to work as a copywriter for various retailers, a features writer for newspapers and magazines and do it all from the comforts of my home. I’m a lucky girl!

But of all the things I’ve done thus far, I get the most excited when I’m in one of my favorite magazines. Yes it’s just a non-paid little commentary in the front of the book section. But it’s for O magazine! And this time, they asked for a photo. Thank you to commenter Jan for emailing me to let me know she saw it! It made my day.

I know it’s a far cry from actually writing for O, but I have BIG dreams. And as long as I keep on writing, I know I have a chance to make it a reality. Thanks for all of you for reading!



“If you could have one superpower, what would it be?”

O Magazine

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