Happy Valentine’s Day!


I was going to skip this post. Mostly because I already wrote one here and here, and I’m trying my darnedest to reduce my workload and learn to savor more. Plus, Valentine’s Day is such a commercial holiday. All that pressure to get the most thoughtful gift or the most expensive one is exhausting and unnecessary. Not to mention what it does to people who are single.

{This just in. Imagine this as a news ticker running horizontally below this post. I did a Twitter scan and realize I’m not the only one who’s not thrilled about V-day. The people I’m following either hate it, avoid it or spending time doing more fun things (running, etc.)}

It’s not that I don’t enjoy presents or celebrating special occasions, but I just don’t appreciate the pressure that comes with it. I think it affected me more being single than it means something to me being married. It’s just a reminder that society thinks you’re not complete enough if you don’t have a romantic partner to share chocolates and wine with.

It’s like Deepak Chopra said:

“If love is universal, no one can be left out.”

So today while you’re going about your day, take time to remake the holiday.

Yes I feel lucky and fortunate and blessed that I have someone I love to share my life with. But I also believe that special someone could be a life-long friend, family member, pet or even yourself.

For today, my husband and I are going to have a vegetarian lunch at a Buddhist church and probably spend the night having dinner and watching TV (like what we normally do). And somewhere in-between I’m going to indulge in something nice with the person I’ve neglected too often-myself. I hope you’ll join me in doing the same.

Happy Valentine’s!


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  1. Samantha Gluck

    February 14, 2012 at 7:46 pm

    HI Brandi! Thanks for this post. I, for one, LOVE Valentine’s Day…but probably not in the way you (or others) may think. Yes, it’s become commercialized as have most of the other holidays, but we can’t let that rob us of the joy that was the original intent of setting this day aside as a holiday.

    I use this day to honor my husband and his immense contribution to our family unit, to honor my children and the unspeakable joy they bring to our lives on a daily basis. I use this day to remember that God has bestowed upon me a job that I love, enjoy, and cherish — a job that has afforded me success in doing what I dearly love — writing.

    I feel a bit of sorrow for those with bitter resentments surrounding this day…it’s a day of joy and a day to wear love on your sleeve for all to see and revel in. I love the idea of you and your hubs having lunch at a Buddhist church. Sounds so intriguing and mystical. What a way to honor your love for one another!

    I invite all your readers to revel in this day — wallow in it — make it yours and own the love it symbolizes.

    1. Brandi

      February 14, 2012 at 8:05 pm

      Beautiful comment Samantha! I love how you have made Valentine’s Day an opportunity to celebrate your love and to appreciate the people in your life. If that’s the only thing we do today, that’s more than enough. I hope the message that there are multiples ways to celebrate love, not just between couples, but for everyone is taken from my post today. And from your comment. Thanks for sharing the other (happier) side of this holiday.

      1. Samantha Gluck

        February 14, 2012 at 10:46 pm

        Thank you, Brandi…I appreciate your kind words and the fact that your understand what I was trying to say. So many people waste time lamenting things that are out of their control rather than taking the things within their control and making them beautiful.

        You’re beautiful and I’m honored to call you friend.

        Happy Valentine’s Day, Brandi!

        1. Brandi

          February 14, 2012 at 11:02 pm

          You too Samantha! =)

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