Daily Inspirations

It’s Tuesday. A heck of a day. One you could easily wish away, cover your head under the covers and dream it to be over.

But then. There was, as there always is, inspiration.

And a shimmer of something inspiring is like a diamond sparkling behind the glass window.

So I’m thankful for this first post. And for today’s daily dose of inspiration:

The beginning of a star. Rewinding the life of someone successful makes me as excited as a rabbit about to sink his teeth in a banana (if you’re a rabbit owner you know how much they love sweets). I get tingles. A happy feeling inside the pit of my stomach and goose pimples up and down my arms. What can I say? I’m a sucker for happy endings.

Tonight I got it again-watching Anthony Bourdain (a quirky, foul-mouthed fellow), the star of No Reservations. The year was 2000 and he was as quirky and foul-mouthed as ever, maybe even more so. But I was sucked into the story because although I am a N.R. (No Reservations) fan and see him as a chef and a TV host, I barely knew him as a writer.

Everyone has a dream. But it was inspiring to see that Bourdain went from a rebellious bus boy to eventually a chef. Yet, these were secondary tasks, for his real ambition was to write. And write he did.

His NY article led him to a book and that book landed him tours to Europe and a documentary, then the Travel channel came knocking.

No matter how humble he seems when reminiscing, his life was a difficult journey. His gift was being able to climb himself out of his own desperation and become big.

Going small from big is a huge undertaking though. And I wonder how he did it all.

Here’s my thoughts:

I think sometimes gifts come from a tiny crack somewhere. An opening. A space you leave. Then passion flows through it and takes flight. For Bourdain at least, food became the gateway leading to the transformation of his own life.

Inspiring, don’t you think?

Just my inspiring thought.

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