How to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Smack dab in chaos.
Smack dab in chaos.

I’m literally in the throes of physical chaos and it’s making me a little mental. Our first place is in the process of being renovated and as we speak flooring is going in. At the same time, we have no kitchen sink and our home looks like a tornado whipped through it. It’s forced me to find corners and nooks for peace.

Most people wait until life settles before they enjoy it. Their focus is on what’s not done yet. Like my kitchen, it’s easy to obsess about the things that are not working the way we want it to. We want our life to go faster, our desires to come quicker, our problems to vanish now. Unfortunately, life doesn’t happen on our time. And in reflection, if it did, you wouldn’t be happier, wiser or wealthier. In fact, I’d presume all the growing and learning that could have happened while you were overcoming that stumbling block would stop.

I know it’s difficult to be patient when things are rough. I understand it on a visceral level. But if we could only hold on and learn to have just a tiny bit of faith to carry us through the difficult moments, we might find that the things we want are not as precious as the gifts we receive in the process.

I sometimes forget when frustrated, life is happening for me and everything I need is right here in the now. It’s too easy to get sucked into my own wants. I forget life is about learning. This is, but a platform for my soul to grow and develop as a person. I’m not here to get the best house or the finest job. I’m here to learn how to love and better myself. The challenges that bellow through like waves are not here to wipe me out without a purpose. They’re here to knock me down when I feel weak so that I remember how strong I am and to build me up so I can overcome the next one.

If you’re in the middle of chaos, reflect upon this. Eventually, whatever you’re dealing with will pass. But what will you have learned from it? Will you walk away in anger, resentment and regret or will you realize that was the moment when you grew up? Whatever you decide will predict what happens when the next wave hits…

To combat my own external chaos, I created a little peaceful nook to get me through. And it’s helped me. What will you grow to help you through this difficult time in your life?

Peace in chaos.
Peace in chaos.
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  1. Creative Friday: Home Office Ideas | The Inspiring Bee

    June 14, 2013 at 8:57 pm

    […] think I’m finally done tweaking my home office. Well done for now anyway. As I said here, it’s really nice to have a creative inspiring place to settle into when things are going […]

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