If You’re Ready for Change

A lot of people flip and flop, teetering between change and stagnation. 

A lot of that is fear.

We all dream of love, happiness and personal success, but not all of us are willing to do the work to get it. At the end of the day, lying in our comfort zone is too seductive. It feels warm and cushy, and relatively safe there… Click To Tweet

We think we need to do big, grand scale things so we give up before we even start the race.

But we don’t.

We just need to work on our beliefs. Beliefs guide our thoughts and thoughts affect our actions.

We can’t get far if we don’t think it’s possible. So in order to seek what you want, you need to start with that.

One of the things I like about Change Starts Within You by Cortney McDermott is that it makes it relatively easy to imagine change. There are tasks in there that you want to do like take a nap and follow your feelings. It’s short, simple and easy to thumb through when you’re looking for inspiration. 

And did you hear? This is actually one of four books I’m giving away for free. It’s my way of saying, “Thank you for being here and wanting to change!” All you have to do is enter here.

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