The Turning Point

There is a turning point at every phase in your life. This is a place where you get closer to your purpose or further away from it. This blog calls it an awakening.

But whatever name you give it, it probably doesn’t feel all that spiritual or glamorous when you’re in it. In fact, it can feel like the worse place to be. From mild discomfort to pain and suffering, it’s one of the vital signs change is coming. The good news is that while it’s easy to get lost in the woods, this can also be the place where MAGIC happens.

This is the moment when you rediscover who you are.

This is when you find out what you were meant to do.

This is the time when you’ll connect with a purpose greater than yourself.

A surge of herculean strength will pulse through you as you make this decision. It’s the kind of courage and muscle that makes weak, scared women (I’m talking about myself here) have babies.

Love is what pushes you out of the wilderness back onto the road of recovery and healing. It’s all part of the plan. Even though you don’t see where you’re going now. Even though you feel lost, loserish, and abandoned, you’re almost there.

It reminds me of hiking. After walking for hours, I feel stuck, afraid, and panicked. I worry I made the wrong turn somewhere. My lack of faith is humorous. History has taught me that only a few more steps forward leads me where I need to be. I just need to trust and keep going.

What I’ve learned over time are tools to help me so I don’t turn around before I started or do the thing we all do when we’re scared-numb, distract or surrender.

Through my own path, I’ve found a way to transform every dark emotion from envy and anger to fear and anxiety. I pulled it together into a book called Soul Sessions to help you reconnect with your creativity, true self, and your purpose so you can keep going. I’m excited to offer you this book for free. The techniques in here have helped me bounce back from professional rejection and personal heartbreak. All you need to do to get it is to sign up. If you’ve already signed up, and haven’t gotten the book, please send me an email or leave a comment below. Thanks!

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