Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

There are a lot of things you could do.

Something tells me if you’re reading this, you’re probably more capable than the average Jo.

Maybe you have a multitude of skills and talents, and even interests.

But just because you can do anything you set your mind to, doesn’t mean you should.

For years, I took jobs in research. I was even told I was good at it. And I got a sense of pleasure in doing it. There was something satisfying about doing repetitive tasks. There was always a solvable answer in anything I was working on.

I could have continued on that path. Except that I couldn’t. Just because my mind could do a job, doesn’t mean it’s the best for my soul.

Think of some opportunity you have in front of you. Are you trying to convince yourself to take it because it’s safe?

If you think you should take it because you don’t know what else to do, think about it this way. Every time we say, “Yes,” to something, we’re saying “No” to the possibility of what we don’t know.

Just because we can do something, just because it makes sense on paper, doesn’t mean we should pursue it.

If you’re struggling with this question, visualize yourself in this opportunity five and even ten years from now. How does your body feel?

Sometimes we can’t make decisions because we’re deciding from a state of security. Maybe we don’t want to be alone or indecisive or can’t tolerate the unknown. But I’d ask you to pause to get uncomfortable for a moment before you jump into saying, “Yes” or “No.”

You might eventually decide that this opportunity makes sense right now. And that’s okay too.

Or maybe you’re saying, “No,” too soon.

Just go in knowing why you’re making this decision. Don’t simply say, “Yes,” because it seems like the next easiest thing to do. Don’t simply say, “No,” because you want a change and you want it now.

The key to getting to where you want to go is to take the first right step, and then the next right step. It’s to lead with conscious awareness. It’s to understand that although we don’t know everything, we know how we feel and we’re deciding not from a place of desperation, but confidence in our intuition, and our selves.

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