Two Simple Ways to Boost Creativity

If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you know I’ve been reading and loving Jeff Goins’ new book Real Artists Don’t Starve.

I’ve gleaned a ton of creative information from this post. It’s a must-read for creative folks looking to drum up more financial success in their life.

Personally, I finally got why I could never stand rules growing up. It had to do with creativity. Evidence 1 from Real Artists Don’t Starve: “‘The creative kids are the ones who rail against the rules the hardest,” said Bonnie Cramond, a former student of Torrance (Professor who did a study on creativity and psychology), in summary of her teacher’s findings. ‘Creative kids have no patience with ridiculous rules. They don’t see any purpose in it.’ Professor Torrance concluded that following the rules does not produce outstanding creative work. If you aren’t willing to be a little deviant, then it’s harder to be creative. Sometimes it pays to break the rules.”

There you have it. Validation for why my cousin has teased me all these years about being a rule breaker. This makes me feel a little better. It’s also an essential ingredient in creativity. See this as permission to color outside the lines. Even successful picture book writers say sometimes breaking the rules is a good thing. The main thing is your writing has to be good so if you need to break a few to get to the good stuff, let yourself go wild!

The book also talks about the vital importance of connection. A lot of historically famous creatives have had partnerships. They networked. They collaborated. Creativity can not happen in a bubble. 

This is why I decided to get out of my sweats and inside the real world. I’m forming another group, which I love to do. This one will be about connection, brainstorming and supporting other positive people with creative ideas so we can together do amazing, inspiring things.

I’m excited!

If you live in Hawaii and are interested in joining this new group, shoot me an email at bauyemura at gmail dot com or leave a comment. I’ll send you the details. Our first official gathering will be in February so contact me soon. I look forward to meeting you!

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