When Change Isn’t Possible

Photo credit: Bourguiboeuf on <a href=Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND” class=”wp-image-7625″ width=”480″ height=”327″/>
Photo credit: Bourguiboeuf on Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-ND

Say you’re in a job you despise, but can’t leave. Or you live in a place that doesn’t suit you, but financially you can’t pick up and go. There will be times when the best thing you can do is keep working that job and remain in that situation even if it’s making you unhappy.

That feeling can leave you trapped like being stuck in a cage. It can make you feel victimized and powerless.

But here’s where you take that power back.

Yes you can’t move from the place you are right now, but there are things you can do to improve your mood, cut the chains of entrapment and free your soul even when you’re in a soul sucking situation.

Change your perspective.

In the December issue of O magazineOprah interviews Michelle Obama. It’s such an inspiring interview, I had to post it on Instagram. Here’s one quote from Oprah that I loved:

“What was so valuable to me-and I think will be for everyone else who reads the book-is that nothing changed. You just changed your perception of what was happening. And that made you happier.”

Your perception of what you’re struggling with can make you feel worse or better. You can suffer or you can feel challenged. You can tell yourself, “I’m never going to be able to leave this soul sucking job or you can say, ‘While I’m here I’m going to work on these skills and save this money so I’m ready for the job I really want.”

You’re still in the game even if you’re not able to move ahead. Instead of squandering it on worrying and complaining, use your time by preparing yourself for that time when you will move. You don’t have to stay anywhere forever. But you’re here now. Why not make most of your circumstances?

Here are a few ideas you can do…

  1. Write before or after work.
  2. Decide on a date when you will leave your current situation.
  3. Now work backwards and write down what steps you need to take to get there.
  4. Gather around people who will support your decision and ask them for what you need whether that will be periodic check-ins or positive words of support.
  5. Visualize the future you who has moved and what you will look like and how you will feel. Do this nightly. I find it gives you better sleep and starts your morning off right.
  6. Write about a time when you were stuck. How long did it take you to get unstuck? What things helped you?
  7. Talk to other people who were in similar situations.
  8. Jot down the small steps you’re taking now to remind you that even though you’re in the same situation, you’re still moving towards your goals.
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