Why Passion Is Important

{PB antique frame from The Inspiring Bee}
{Pottery Barn antique frame. photo by: The Inspiring Bee}

You’re doing okay. Well even. You got a roof over your head, a steady job, great friends and a loving partner. That’s enough reason to be happy.

But what if you’re not?

What if there’s a part of you that feels unfulfilled, empty, resentful, even angry?

You have everything you need, but nothing you want.

Is it worth giving up security in search of serenity?

Hell yeah it is!

You know why?

What you think is safe is just an illusion. We build up walls to prevent us from getting hurt or disappointed. But in life, there’s no real way to be truly protected.

And if you knew the truth, you wouldn’t want to be protected anyway.

The worst thing in life isn’t making a full of yourself or being jobless. These things are difficult to endure. But at the end of the day, what you will regret most is the life you haven’t live.

As we’re in the process of still moving, I’m finding bits and pieces of my past. An old report card, a yellow-stained newspaper with articles I wrote, essays from my college days. After thumbing through each one, I was filled with a sense of awe. Not because the writing was that great (it was not), but because it took me so long to discover what I already knew intuitively. I’m a writer and have always been one.

Passion is important in life.

Don’t let anyone tell you something different. A passionless life breeds pain, misery and disappointment, more than any risk to fulfill your dreams would. Your journey is meant to be filled with sacrifice, uncertainty and disappointment. Those are not reasons to give up. They are reasons to keep on chugging along.

You will eventually get there if you keep trying. The only guarantee that you won’t get there is if you give up.

The photo above is taken from our new place. I ingested a little life art (a wooden branch found while hiking) into an antique frame I picked up from Pottery Barn. To me it represents passion. Passion is freedom. It cannot be caged. It is living, breathing art that deserves attention, respect and perspective.

What will you sacrifice in your life to gain a piece of passion?

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