Your Greatest Liability

Photo credit: Kerri Lee Smith on Visual hunt / CC BY-NC-SA

There’s something holding you back from success, the life you desire, and the dream you have for yourself.

When you wield a shield of sameness, it’s to protect yourself from the hurt of standing out.

Maybe you were taught that being too you was unwanted.

You were too shy, sensitive or maybe too loud and honest.

Maybe you had too many ideas. You were too ambitious or not ambitious enough.

So you buried that part of yourself because the thought of being unworthy and unloved was too much to bear.

That you has gone hidden.

You’ve become saturated in everyone else. You’ve become a star at one thing. You’re a people pleaser trying to support everyone else’s dreams.

But the gold you’re after resides in who you truly are.

It’s at the bottom of every goal you chase. It’s the goblet full of riches brimming with possibility. It’s your truest potential wrapped in every gift, talent and experience you’ve lived.

When you stuff that side of you down, when you repress your fullest expression of yourself, you will be liked. But you will never be fully loved for who you are. And you will never know the gift that comes with realizing your potential. You will never know you were always loved.

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