What Are You Waiting For?

For some of us, great loss must ensue for change to occur. Sudden death of a loved one. A new diagnosis. Your health wanes. But you don’t have to wait for catastrophe until the fear of not doing it is greater than your fear of doing it. The pressure will make your decision easier, but it’s not necessary.

Because somewhere in your life was a sacred mission given to only you. If you don’t listen to it, it will haunt you.

It’ll nudge you when you bump against someone else whose doing the thing you’ve always wanted to do.

It’ll come to you in your dreams.

It’ll haunt you in your waking life.

Even if you think you’re happy and living your purpose, you have an inkling that there’s still some great work you’ve never attempted.

That’s why the drinking, mindless eating and television. Its instant joy in exchange for the great loss of not carving away at that underlying mission.

It’s keeping busy with parallel interests that temporarily feed the hunger of not creating it.

It’s telling yourself that you have everything you need and don’t want to be greedy.

It’s saying you could never do it anyway. It’s too expensive, too time-consuming, and selfish when you have a family.

All those lies you tell yourself will eventually eat at you because age fades the sparkle of instant gratification.

You’ll be left with yourself and the grief of not having tried.

It’s the holiday season when magic and anything is possible belief circles like the white in a snow globe.

This could be the year you finally admit that you long for something and actually deserve getting it.

It takes work. But the first step is admitting you have a dream. Acknowledge that it’s there waiting to be uncovered.

If you do one thing in 2019, that would be the beginning of everything.

Happy holiday season dear reader!

I’m here with you on the journey and if you’d like to whisper your dream to me. I’m all ears.

Also, if you’re like me and need some extra tips on how to use the season of craziness to work on yourself, my latest article for Spirituality & Health magazine might help. You can read it here.

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