We’re All Okay

{photo courtesy of: Rickydavid}

Are you sitting their feeling uncertain and filled with self-doubt?

Stop online shopping, updating your Facebook page and RTing that post on Twitter and read this.

You don’t need to have all of the answers right now!

It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up.

It’s all right if you’re not making a 6 figure income.

And your dream job?

It will still be there tomorrow so don’t fret over not finding it today.

I understand the urgency. There are too many websites and blogs these days that are spreading anxiety around the web so that you will invest in their product.

But I think anything real (real change, purpose, success) takes patience and time.

Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t discovered your dream yet. Don’t worry if you haven’t rose to the top. You will get there.

But all of this anxiety and fear are not helping to make the situation better.

The Major Hump

{photo courtesy of: h.koppdelaney} Right now, I’m reconfiguring my business. I’m working on creating a new website. I’m thinking of new articles ideas and ways to increase my business. But while I’m in the process of change, I need faith. I also need to maintain a positive, hopeful attitude so that I can get through this major hump.

If you have a business and you’re working on building it, don’t just sit there and pray it will grow. Do what you can to invest in yourself.

  • Invest time in marketing.
  • Invest time in understanding the market.
  • Invest time in researching your ideal client/business.
  • Invest time in yourself.

This could mean surrounding yourself with positive people who challenges you and wants you to grow.

I realized that in 2011, the only thing standing in my way is myself. I’m starting to take my business seriously. I’m doing what is necessary to foster my own growth as I work on growing my business.

You may feel far from where you want to be. But you have the “now.” What steps will you take to ensure your future? What things will you begin changing in this moment so that you will see changes in tomorrow?

Start slowly and do it today. Then do it again tomorrow. Eventually you will get there. Eventually your story will inspire others. Eventually, you will be the inspiration.

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  1. Jill

    March 3, 2011 at 2:20 am

    Perfect timing. I really needed to read this. I feel like it was written just for me. Thanks again for your great posts.

    1. Brandi

      March 4, 2011 at 6:44 am

      AW thanks Jill! So glad you found it and it makes me happy to know that the post helped you. That’s what inspires me you know? Readers like you. =)

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