The Dream is Over

Happy sacks from my first workshop.
Happy sacks from my first workshop.

Seven years ago, I had a dream. It was an unimaginable, insurmountable, mountain of a dream. To me. I wanted to be like Carrie Bradshaw. I wanted to write for a living.

At the time, I was in and out of jobs. I just got my Masters in Counseling Psychology. The dream seemed impossible. It was scary. Was I good enough?

I spent many afternoons dreaming of the dream, but keeping my uninspiring day job. I accomplished small victories. I called the local newspaper and ask if I could talk to someone there. I told everyone I knew in the community that I wanted to get paid as a writer. I started my own meetup for writers. I signed up for writing classes. I got a coach. I took free writing work. I read until my eyes got dry and blurry. I filled myself up with knowledge and education until I knew everything left and right up and down. I tweeted. I networked.

It worked.

I started to make a living full-time as a paid writer.

And then I moved.

I had to do it all over again.

It’s been 3 years since I moved back home to Hawaii and I’m writing again. I’m writing for magazines, newspapers, and websites. And guess what? The dream has changed. I still want to write, but I want to teach too.

That darn muse.

I wish I could stay happy in my little comfort zone, where I know what to expect. But she’s pushing me to do something seemingly impossible again. I feel like it’s my obligation, duty and life purpose to teach what I’ve learned.

I went to graduate school so I could help others live a healthier life. It’s always been a dream of mine to teach, counsel and support others on their own journeys to follow their dreams. At the end of last year, I taught my first stress management workshop for moms and I’m planning on doing another one in early February. *I hope you will join me on the journey!

It’s another scary, vulnerable time for me. But I’m excited at the same time.

What are you working on? Are you stumbling into new territory in 2015 like me?

Playdough activity

You can get more information on my stress management workshop and register here. Prepay and register by January 31st and save $5.

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  1. Daylin Van Zandt

    January 6, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    A few years ago I reached out to a stranger and I was greeted by you. What I’ll never forget is that unlike the other I had contacted you took a real interest in my ambitions and real encouraged me to follow my dreams. Over the years there were some road bumps, derailing and every obstacle in the way. I had a really tough decision to make and looking back on the decision I made to leave the USA and all my problems behind. I ventured back into teaching in South Korea as I’ve been doing.
    This time has been really different. I made over here and I am and have been determined to not go back to the life that I didn’t want back in the states. In the past year I have been featured in LG commercials, Coca-cola video projects, written a few films, directed music videos and developed a website concept that I believe could be something the world can love. The best part is it helps people understand cultures and my hopes are to bring different people together.
    The first few days of the new year I began to doubt myself after some mistakes made with my web server that threw my site into the garbage. I’m still working to recover from it but I began thinking about how I’ve always wanted to work for myself in media. I say it all the time and its all I think about but I’ve never fully dedicated myself to the idea. In 2015, I’ll be spending moving to the Philippines where I am going to give it everything that I’ve got to try to work in media/freelancing. I’m not sure if I can really make a living but I’m going to try to do it 100%.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Brandi

      January 9, 2015 at 1:02 am

      Oh wow! That’s amazing Daylin. Thanks so much for sharing your story! I love hearing stories like yours. I’m sure you can do it. Look at all the things you’ve already accomplished.

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